We offer
  • Nanny
  • BabySitter
  • Housekeeper
  • Daycare
  • Tutor
  • Arabic Tutor
  • Cleaner
  • Au Pair
  • Furniture Assistant

Terms and Conditions

Employee Conduct and Responsibilities

Fair Treatment and Timely Payment:
All employees must be treated fairly, and their wages should be paid on time.
Diligence in Duties:
Employees are expected to perform their duties diligently.
Prohibition of Theft:
Employees caught in any form of theft will be handed over to the police.
Document Authenticity:
No employee or employer should upload fake documents. Any violation will be reported to the authorities.
Client Interaction:
Employees must not misbehave with clients. If found guilty, the employee will be fined £100 or banned from the platform. Employer Responsibilities
Employee Verification:
Employers should request more information about potential employees from management before hiring them full-time.
Payment Options:
Employers may pay employees directly or through our platform to access more opportunities. If payment is made through us, a 1% discount on hourly payments is offered. We will only release payment to employees after confirming the employer's satisfaction with the service and verifying no theft occurred.
Wage Payment:
Employers must pay employee wages promptly. Failure to do so will result in reporting to anti-slavery authorities and the police. Employee Wage Collection
Wage Collection Options:
Employees can receive their wages directly or through our platform. If collected through us, a 5% fee will be deducted.
Protection Against Wage Deprivation:
We are registered under the Anti-Slavery Act of the United Kingdom to protect employees from being deprived of their wages after rendering services.
Refund for Fraudulent Activities:
Employees who refuse to perform services and deceive employers into paying wages will be required to refund the money within 24 hours upon investigation. Failure to do so will result in arrest. Prohibition of External Agencies
Agency Introduction:
Introducing any external agency to our clients is prohibited. Violations will result in a £2000 fine, and refusal to pay will lead to legal action, with the violator responsible for legal fees. Monitoring and Compliance
Secret Monitoring:
We have secret agents working to detect and prevent any fraudulent or indecent acts.
Service Conduct:
All services should strictly be within the employer-employee relationship. The management will not be responsible for any toxic situations arising from external services.
Protection Against Fraud:
Any agreements made outside our platform that lead to fraudulent activities will not be supported by our management team. Ensure all transactions are conducted through us to ensure safety.

Are you looking for baby sitter just call us!